Complex 2R Hip-Knee-Foot Articulated Brace
Complex 2R Hip-Knee-Foot Articulated Brace
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Complex 2R Hip-Knee-Foot Articulated Brace
Articulated hip and knee brace with flexion-extension control and integrated foot lift.
Available in a bilateral version, please contact us.
The orthosis (hip, thigh, and calf) is made of the innovative ActivSpace II material. It consists of polyurethane foam, an easy-to-attach polyamide outer part and an internal terry cloth.
The material is soft but not elastic, which is very important when standing. Devices made of ActivSpace II are often better than rigid orthoses made of plastic materials, because they do not cause skin damage.
The internal part improves the comfort of use.
The device is equipped with orthopedic splints and a dynamic carbon sole.
The splint is made of high-quality aluminum, coated with a special powder, which makes it neutral to the influence of the patient's sweat.
The hip joint portion is equipped with a single-axis hinge with ROM adjustment every 15° and the knee joint is retained by a dual-axis polycentric hinge with ROM adjustment every 20°.
As a special order, it is possible to add, to the ankle joint, our 1R orthopedic hinge with ROM adjustment every 15°.
Each of these mechanisms can be adjusted to the required position and locked to prevent movement.
The thigh and calf part of the orthosis can be adjusted according to size, allowing the device to be adjusted to each patient.
The carbon sole is resistant on the front part and the heel.
The semi-rigid spiral splint and the pad stabilize the orthosis on the calf.
Our carbon sole has three support points: on the frontal part at the mid-tibia, on the tibial tuberosity and on the fibular and proximal tibial epiphysis.
As a result, all forces accumulate during the effort of the limb and help the patient in the context of a dorsiflexion movement of the foot.
The dynamic ankle-foot orthosis allows the patient to have medial-lateral control of the foot and ankle complex, thanks to a strong lateral fixation of the lower part of the leg.
The gait is improved and more aesthetic.
The AFO construction is very lightweight and easy to fit into a shoe.
The orthosis is equipped with three pairs of VELCRO straps: 2 for the pelvis, 2 for the thigh and 2 for the calf.
The thigh and calf part of the device holds 2 pairs of pads made of plastic.
Safe construction and soft, pleasant materials make our COMPLEX unrivaled on the market.
The COMPLEX double-sided orthosis should be used in cases:
flaccid paraparesis;
myelocystocele, hydromyelomeningocele;
spinal muscular atrophy;
muscular dystrophy / myodystrophy with mobility of the upper limb.
The COMPLEX one-sided orthosis should be used in cases:
severe instability of the knee joint or degenerative paresis of the foot (sciatica, MS, Poliomyelitis – Heine-Medin disease);
ultra-resistance – in standing position, when relearning to walk;
in order to immobilize during the rehabilitation period after knee surgery or illnesses;
to prevent muscle contractures of the hip, knee, or ankle;
in order to maintain correct posture while walking and standing.
The COMPLEX orthosis is the innovative solution in cases of partial foot amputation. In this case, it is necessary to adapt the sole.
The construction of the orthosis directs forces to the upper part of the tibia, which relieves the lower part.
The orthosis can be used as a modular device – during the patient's recovery, the doctor may ask to stop wearing the hip splint.
In this case, the lower limb and the ankle orthosis function independently.
Measurements and Sizes :
Please specify left or right side in comments.
Included in your package:
CARE SHEET (for Cpam)
Medical prescription:
Do not send it to us, staple it to MSDS, send it to your cash register
Lppr code - reimbursement base: 2122138 - €76.22 - 2152211 - €102.29