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Cubidyn Epicondylitis Bandage with Friction Massage Pad

Cubidyn Epicondylitis Bandage with Friction Massage Pad

Regular price €54,00 EUR
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Anti-epicondylitis bandage with gel friction pad for the treatment of tennis elbow.

    The role of the Cubidyn epicondyle staple is to relieve tendon tissue showing inflammation of the epicondyle.
    To do this, place the staple with its silicone pad 1 with nipples and the grooves transverse to the direction of the musculature directly on the injured musculature resp.

    The relief and frictional massage obtained by the ball in the area of ​​the tendon and muscle apparatus encourages the healing process.
    CUBIDYN has an anatomical shape and its gradually adjustable Velcro strap allows the pressing force to be individually adjusted.

    _ Acute humero-radial or humero-ulnar epicondylopathy
    _ Chronic humero-radial or humeroulnar epicondylopathy
    _ Postoperative treatment

    It is always necessary to consult the attending physician regarding the indication and method of application of an orthopedic aid as well as the existence of subsequent ailments in particular:
    _ Allergic, inflammatory or injury-related changes in the skin (e.g. swelling, redness) in the areas of the body to be treated.
    _ Circulatory disorders or swelling of the soft lymphatic parts.
    _ Neurogenic disorders of the sensory and trophic system of the skin in the area of ​​the body to be treated (sensory disorders with and without skin damage).
    To date, no significant incompatibilities or allergic reactions are known.

    Side effects
    With proper use and correct application, no serious general side effects are known to date.

    Local pressure build-ups and circulatory disorders can be avoided individually if possible contraindications are taken into account and the positioning on the body is free of constraints and adapted to the body shape.

    The Cubidyn epicondyle staple can be worn on both the left and right side.

    _ Place the open epicondyle staple, with its silicone pad:
    1 fixed by the Velcro strip, on the musculature of the forearm to be treated. The upper edge of the pad should be located 2 to 3 cm below the birth of the muscles.
    The grooves should be transverse to the direction of the muscles to ensure effective relief and massage.
    _ Insert the narrow end of the hook and loop closure strip through the return loop and then close the clasp, with the forearm muscles relaxed, so that it sits comfortably and without slipping.

    _ The position of the staple is correct if, during muscular work (for example closing the fist), the pressure of the pad on the muscles is immediately felt but disappears when the fist is reopened.
    _ Depending on the indication, the staple should be placed either on the outer side (e.g. in the presence of humeroradial epicondylopathy) or on the inner side (in the presence of humeroradial epicondylopathy) of the forearm.
    _ The clip can be gradually readjusted to ensure optimal positioning.

    Measurement and Sizes:

    One size (< 37 cm)

    Only in black


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