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Hip and Foot Foot Lift and Leg Lift Straps

Hip and Foot Foot Lift and Leg Lift Straps

Regular price €79,40 EUR
Regular price Sale price €79,40 EUR
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Hip and Foot Foot and Leg Lift Braces (straps only without the device)

This unique device offers safety and freedom to users suffering from leg weakness.

For many years we have been helping dropsy sufferers to return to an active life. With Dictus Hip, the Dictus family is completed to help users who have difficulty walking due to weakened leg muscles, weakened hip flexors and foot flexors.

Help to walk more easily


HIP-Foot consists of a comfortable hip belt and an elastic band with knee pad attached to the foot part.
The rubber bands facilitate hip flexion. The level and direction of assistance traction can be easily adjusted according to the user's needs, it is easy to change the traction direction of flexion, adduction and inward rotation. If HIP-Foot is used, the inversion of the foot can also be corrected.

About the product

Hip is an orthopedic technical aid that helps and facilitates walking, helps flex/lift the hip and reduces the risk of tripping/falling.

Hip and Foot Foot and Leg Lifter

If you want to lift your leg/foot more or less, you can easily adjust it with the elastic by using one hook in the abdominal belt instead of two, or twist the elastic for extra lift. The aid can be used with or without shoes.

Indications for use

  • Decreased muscle strength – difficulty bending/lifting the hip, knee and foot
  • Circumduction in the aisle
  • Difficult to bring the leg/foot
  • Stroke
  • MS (multiple sclerosis)
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Djamal M
