Elbow brace for elbow extension control
Elbow brace for elbow extension control
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Pour savoir si votre orthèse est remboursée, il vous faut descendre tout en bas de la description. Si la Base de Remboursement/ LPPR est affichée, alors elle est remboursée à la hauteur du montant affiché.
Pour percevoir ce remboursement, il vous faut avoir une prescription de votre médecin faite avant la date de la commande. Pas besoin de nous envoyer la prescription !
Nous nous chargerons de vous envoyer avec votre commande, la feuille de soins et la facture.
Si vous avez un doute, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Elbow brace with progressive control of elbow extension
Thanks to the non-elastic strap that moves/secures with Velcro along the forearm so as to close the elbow extension angle.
Easy to put on thanks to the two zip openings (on the biceps and forearm).
Made of special fabric, equipped with elastic bands, side stays stabilizing the elbow joint and Velcro fastening straps for better fit to the limb. There is a possibility of adjusting the angle of extension of the elbow joint. It stabilizes the joint and releases the muscles of the forearm and arm. Application: after injuries (dislocations, muscle and tendon sprains), in case of painful syndrome of the joint caused by overload or degenerative changes ("tennis elbow"). Used preventively in sports that cause overload of the elbow joint.
Perfect stabilization of the elbow joint, relief of pressure on the muscles of the forearm and hand, reduction of pain caused by overexertion and old injuries. Maintaining a stable temperature and elastic pressure helps reduce swelling, promote healing of post-injury effusions and hematomas. Allows for a faster return to work and training. Protection in contact sports. Comfort of use - the support does not contain thick fibers that can cause abrasions if pressed tightly to the patient's skin. Ease of use - the patient can easily put on and take off the support. The design of this support ensures maximum comfort of use, without restriction of movement, for both women and men. The product is equipped with fixing straps that provide additional support to the joint, Velcro straps that prevent uncontrolled opening of the product.
- after injury and treatment of the elbow joint and forearm
- in case of severe chronic pain syndrome of the elbow joint caused by injury or overload;
- chronic overload and inflammation of epicondylitis (tennis elbow) - reduction of problems, aid in the healing process
- in sports: injury prevention and increasing arm strength in tennis, golf, badminton, team sports
- intense physical work linked to rotational movements of the forearm and hand against resistance.
No SS support.