Ligament and patellar knee brace with full opening and removable stays
Ligament and patellar knee brace with full opening and removable stays
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Pour savoir si votre orthèse est remboursée, il vous faut descendre tout en bas de la description. Si la Base de Remboursement/ LPPR est affichée, alors elle est remboursée à la hauteur du montant affiché.
Pour percevoir ce remboursement, il vous faut avoir une prescription de votre médecin faite avant la date de la commande. Pas besoin de nous envoyer la prescription !
Nous nous chargerons de vous envoyer avec votre commande, la feuille de soins et la facture.
Si vous avez un doute, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Ligament and patellar knee brace with full opening and removable stays
The knee brace is a universal, one-size-fits-all product from the 4classic group.
The orthosis is made of UniPren
UniPren is a universal three-layer fabric consisting of an outer elastic layer of self-gripping polyamide and an inner layer of neoprene foam with elastic jersey.
Our fabric is soft and elastic and is not knitted, which avoids skin-to-skin abrasions in compression areas.
UniPren's hook-and-loop feature allows the orthosis to be adjusted precisely.
Our universal knee brace is open and offers an excellent fit.
Its high elasticity guarantees good compression of the joint.
It reduces effusions, swellings and relieves pain.
The anatomical patella tip stabilizes the patella and prevents its dislocation.
In addition, the orthosis is equipped with 4 lateral orthopedic stays.
You can change the location of the whales according to your needs!
Our universal knee brace can be used in all types of physical activities.
Knee dislocation,
Knee twist and sprain,
Lateral instability of the knee joint,
Knee ligaments LCL, MCL and ACL
Knee ligament reconstruction,
Other surgeries (orthopedic)
Acute and chronic dislocation of the patella
Measurement and Sizes: How to identify the correct size?
Size |
Knee rotation on the rotile |
How to measure |
min 30 – max 46 cm |
min 46 – max 59 cm |
No SS support.