Pavlik harness for treatment of congenital hip dislocation
Pavlik harness for treatment of congenital hip dislocation
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Pavlik's Harness
For the treatment of congenital hip dislocations in infants. For patients under 2 years of age, with cords and overalls made of velvet and thermoformed velvet booties; the cords that pass over the shoulders are padded with neoprene covers to protect the baby's shoulders from possible friction, the overalls are adjusted using a velcro system. Equipped with plastic buckles that allow the orthosis to be put on and taken off quickly and easily. Likewise, it is possible to adjust the length of the cords, adapting them to the size of each patient.
Hip dysplasia. Dysplastic, dislocatable or unstable hips in the first months of life. Subluxations. In addition to other orthopedic or surgical treatments.
Measurements and size:
Size 1: Newborn - Size 2: 9-24 months
Included in your package:
CARE SHEET (for Cpam)
Medical prescription:
Do not send it to us, staple it to MSDS, send it to your cash register
Lppr code - reimbursement base: 2117500 - €47.47