Alufix-progress pediatric wrist hand finger thumb rest orthosis
Alufix-progress pediatric wrist hand finger thumb rest orthosis
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Pour savoir si votre orthèse est remboursée, il vous faut descendre tout en bas de la description. Si la Base de Remboursement/ LPPR est affichée, alors elle est remboursée à la hauteur du montant affiché.
Pour percevoir ce remboursement, il vous faut avoir une prescription de votre médecin faite avant la date de la commande. Pas besoin de nous envoyer la prescription !
Nous nous chargerons de vous envoyer avec votre commande, la feuille de soins et la facture.
Si vous avez un doute, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Ultra-light and comfortable pediatric resting splint for immobilizing the wrist, hand and fingers, including the thumb.
Allows you to change the position of the wrist, hand and fingers according to the criterion.
Ultra-light and comfortable splint for immobilizing the wrist, hand and fingers, including the thumb. Cold-formable. Specially designed for children. It is designed using a central part of malleable aluminum that allows the correct adaptation and positioning of the splint according to the needs of each patient. Internal foam padding and external velvet lining. Allows the position of the wrist, hand and fingers to be modified according to the doctor's criteria. There is the possibility of using a digital accessory that allows the separation and alignment of the fingers (universal size).
Neurological lesions of central or peripheral origin. Pathologies requiring immobilization of the wrist, hand and finger joints for their treatment.
Measurement and sizes:
One size fits all "child's body"
Included in your package:
CARE SHEET (for Cpam)
Medical prescription:
Do not send it to us, staple it to MSDS, send it to your cash register
Lppr code - reimbursement base: 2192630 - €94.40