CMC Fix Rizart plus rhizarthrosis orthosis
CMC Fix Rizart plus rhizarthrosis orthosis
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Pour savoir si votre orthèse est remboursée, il vous faut descendre tout en bas de la description. Si la Base de Remboursement/ LPPR est affichée, alors elle est remboursée à la hauteur du montant affiché.
Pour percevoir ce remboursement, il vous faut avoir une prescription de votre médecin faite avant la date de la commande. Pas besoin de nous envoyer la prescription !
Nous nous chargerons de vous envoyer avec votre commande, la feuille de soins et la facture.
Si vous avez un doute, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
CMC Fix Rizart plus rhizarthrosis orthosis
Our opinion: Made from a slightly stiff plastic, not very comfortable to wear.
It stabilizes the joint at the base of the thumb and places the first metacarpal in its functional position.
It places the thumb in an anatomically correct position and allows the other fingers to move properly, thus ensuring the functionality of the hand.
The design with double injection of materials and rounded edges guarantee maximum comfort of use.
It has a fixation system, secured by a metal core, which allows the degree of stability of the trapeziometacarpal joint to be adjusted according to needs.
Effects: Support and comfort of the first CMC joint.
Maintaining the thumb in a functional position.
Relieves pain and reduces symptoms of loss of strength.
Osteoarthritis of the first CMC joint.
Post-surgical treatment of the first CMC joint.
Arthroplasty of the first CMC joint.
Instability of the first CMC joint.
Measurement and sizes:
Included in your package:
CARE SHEET (for Cpam)
Medical prescription:
Do not send it to us, staple it to MSDS, send it to your cash register
Lppr code - reimbursement base: 2189800 - €53.18