RDP Goural Ultra Dynamic Foot Lift and Ankle Stabilizer with FS3000 Attachment
RDP Goural Ultra Dynamic Foot Lift and Ankle Stabilizer with FS3000 Attachment
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Comment se faire rembourser ?
Pour savoir si votre orthèse est remboursée, il vous faut descendre tout en bas de la description. Si la Base de Remboursement/ LPPR est affichée, alors elle est remboursée à la hauteur du montant affiché.
Pour percevoir ce remboursement, il vous faut avoir une prescription de votre médecin faite avant la date de la commande. Pas besoin de nous envoyer la prescription !
Nous nous chargerons de vous envoyer avec votre commande, la feuille de soins et la facture.
Si vous avez un doute, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Foot lifter consisting of an ankle stabilization orthosis and the RDP dynamic goural lifting system.
Michel Goural presents the RDP goural Ultra foot lifter without downward effect of the elastic on the support (bracelet or calf support).
This anti-equine orthosis stabilizes the ankle. This new foot lifter further reduces the mechanical stresses exerted on the body.
The hinged support does not need to be tightened, only adjusted, so there is no painful support.
Place the comfort sole of your shoe on the support.
The micro-half sole is extra-thin 4/10 mm. Can be put on even with one hand (stroke).
Weight without elastic or hooks:
113 gr in size Small
123 gr in size Medium
133 gr in size Large
Accessories included:
We include an external fixing hook that allows for easier installation of the elastic. This support easily attaches to the eyelets of the shoe with the supplied flex clamps, or to all shoes with the crop a dile clamp.
There is also an elastic band and a pair of hooks.
Measurements and sizes:
Measure the heel-instep circumference.
1/Small (< 30.5 cm)
2/Medium (30.5-34.0 cm)
3/Large (> 34.0 cm)
Included in your package:
CARE SHEET (for Cpam)
Medical prescription:
Do not send it to us, staple it to MSDS, send it to your cash register
Lppr code - reimbursement base: 2122138 - €76.22